Monday, November 21, 2011

The Wait is Over!

After the long wait, I finally get some more emails from the London Volunteer Organizing Committee! My wait for news, positive or negative, is over, while others still wait to hear. I feel for those who are among the last volunteers and will be waiting until March of 2012.
On October 17th I received an email informing me that I had been selected to volunteer for the Summer 2012 Olympic Games in London with the Wrestling events and volunteer team. This email furthered my enthusiasm and shock at being selected as a volunteer. The email stated that they received over 250,000 applications, and that the selection process was very difficult for the selection committee. But apparently I did something right in that very short interview. At the time of my interview I had been confident in the experiences I had thus far in my career, now realizing how many people I had been competing against for just a volunteer position and how qualified many of them must have been, I am able to clearly see the hand of God in my life. He has all the plans for my career laid out and this is another step in His will for me. Though I am nervous about housing, food, and finances while I am over there, since nothing is provided for, I know that God is watching over me. I want to be in His will and have the confidence that He will provide for me, even on days where the needs for this endeavor seem unattainable to me, God already knows how I am going to make it through this wonderful opportunity.
Although I have the dates for my December trip, the 4th-11th, no dates have been given as of yet for the summer Olympics. Clearly I know the dates for the Games themselves, but as to how early or how late I will be involved is yet to be revealed to me. 

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