Last week I received multiple emails from London regarding some "Role-Specific Training" that I needed to sign up for. These training sessions are either way in advance or way after the Olympics actually take place. Originally I emailed back saying that I would be unable to attend these training sessions due to airline ticket costs and travel. I did not hear back from London after I explained why I couldn't make the training. Later in the week I got a text saying I needed to pick my training.
Needless to say I started to worry. And my sister will tell you that this was ridiculous, but I was nervous that I would get an email or phone call from the London Olympic Organizing Committee telling me I was dismissed as a volunteer. They have the ability to dismiss my service whenever they choose fit and while I hope this doesn't happen I thought that being unable to attend a training session would give them reason to excuse me.
I logged into my olympic volunteer account and checked the box that stated I could not attend the training and left it at that. If they dismissed me that was it.
I put the issue out of my mind and enjoyed my sisters graduation from high school and final ballet performance as a student. While waiting in line to get seats at the ballet performance my mom began talking to the elderly couple that was standing behind us. During the course of the conversation she told them that I would be going to London as a volunteer for the Olympics. This embarrasses me, my parents often tell people that I am going to London as a volunteer and while I don't mind my parents talking about it when I'm not there I do not like them to talk about it when I'm standing next to them. It's not a bad thing but it embarrasses me. Anyways, the gentleman asked how my fundraising was going and I told him I have what I need to get there and get by. This man pulls out his wallet and, generously, hands me a 100 dollar bill.
I was absolutely shocked. I tried to give it back but he wouldn't let me. So I have $100 more towards my goal. Of course he will be getting a thank you letter like the rest of my sponsors. But I was floored that a perfect stranger who I interacted with for less than 5 minutes would do that.
Another reminder from God that I am in His hands. No matter what He is/does/will take care of me and the needs that I have. This gesture from that gentleman and the reminder from God encourage me that I am on the right path and that the London Committee will not dismiss me for not being able to attend the training.
I appreciate that God is humbling me and molding me through this experience.
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