My tickets to London have been bought. :D
Earlier this week I met with the appropriate people at UWM and we went through the process of finding a flight. It's pretty exciting. The lady I worked with was very excited as well. She kept giggling and saying "this is so exciting" while we selected the tickets. At one point she even said "take me with you". It was pretty funny.
So I will leave the US on July 27'th. I'll be picking up my volunteer uniform on July 29th. If anyone is interested in seeing what I'll be wearing maybe I will post a picture; once I get the outfit. My first volunteer shift will be August 4'th so I should have plenty of time to get situated and experience the atmosphere that will be around the city during this time. One downside is that I will miss the Opening Ceremonies. I'll be flying high on my way though.
Once my shifts start I have one day off to rest, the day before the wrestling competitions begin. I have found out that a number of wrestlers I met while interning in Colorado Springs will be representing the US. I couldn't be prouder of them or more excited to experience this with them. I'm hoping I will be able to watch them compete even though I will be "working". I have a feeling it will be much different than when I volunteered at the Test Event. Less laid back.
As the Olympics get closer God is putting everything into place for my trip, in His perfect timing.
Plane Tickets-Yes
Friends in England-Yes
Volunteer Uniform-Date to be picked up chosen
Volunteer Shifts-Yes
82 Days until the Opening Ceremonies in London
We are so excited for this shayla! If you need a day away from London to go to the quiet of the countryside you are welcome at our house! :) I am bummed we aren't going to the opening ceremonies too, but our church is putting on a huge event for the community. If you're here and you want to see them you can come over to do that! :)